generative art > algorithmic multimedia eight projects in this subcategory
DESSINE PANSE (dessine moi v2) by joachim lapotre - AZerty DESSINE PANSE is a serie of generative sound-pictures: the pictures are generated by DESSINE MOI v2( http://jlapotre.fre.fr/ ), and the drawing parameters control the Public Access Network Sound Engine, an open platform for the development of audio-visual netart, open to all, created by Pall Thayer in Pure Data ( )
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googlepoweredgogglebox by Sam Woolf The googlepoweredgogglebox is a tool I made using Macromedia's Director software to explore the idea of generative film-making. The idea of generative or process art has been around for at least as long as Brian Eno and most probably for a good while longer. It has (some of) its roots in the experimental music movement of the 1960's and the work of avant-garde composers such as John Cage and Steve [...]
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Bomb by Scott Draves Bomb is a visual-musical instrument. It uses alife, and is alife. It runs on your PC and produces animated organic graphics in response to the keyboard, audio music, or on its own. You can download it from this web site, and run it on your PC.
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Sonification of Virtual Space - 1 by Mark Brady SOVS1 is an audio-visual ambient installation, mapping the activity of a "transient community" of unwitting interactors, all of whom are participating in a peer-to-peer file-sharing network. This network is the backbone of popular file sharing software such as Morpheus, LimeWire and Bareshare. Day and night music, video, images and software are freely traded between the networked peers. [...]
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One Word Movie by Beat Brogle, Philippe Zimmermann One Word Movie is an online project by Swiss artist Beat Brogle and Philippe Zimmermann, which organises the flood of images on the Internet into a flickering film - based on a word provided by the user. A specially programmed search engine, built on top of popular image search facilities available on the Internet, forms the basis for this fascinating exploration of the Internet imaginary. [...]
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bugout by daniel c. howe 'bugout' is an interactive sound-environment based upon principles of reversible/energy-free computation. By adding & removing 'agents', each of which follow a simple ruleset, users affect a wide range of parameters in the resulting composition. Sound, created via real-time synthesis, occurs on collisions between agents as they follow their algorithmic trajectories. [...]
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Posing at three thirty by Tjark Ihmels, Julia Riedel, Tidi Tiedeman, Tom Klingenberg "Posing at three thirty" is a self-generated movie. It consists of a Database of Audio- and Videoclips, and a software build of different generators creating the script. Another part of the Software then cuts, mixes and applies subtitles to the movie in realtime. Additionally, the created AV-Stream (film), can be encoded and spread via a network like the internet.
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On Everything by Pall Thayer "On Everything" generates a real-time audio/visual presentation of everything by appropriating material being shared by the worldwide public in the form of shared images and diaries. The source material is endless, thus the work goes on forever. Material is synthesized, mixed and, ultimately, abstracted, to allow for varied interpretation. " [...]
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